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Organilock Soil Food

Regular price $169.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $169.99 USD
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Organilock Soil Food is a new kind of soil amendment that prioritizes soil microbial life, which naturally feeds your plants. Living soil contains microbes that thrive within the right ratio of Carbon-to-Nitrogen. OrganiLock’s patent-pending process takes cues from the cycle of life, returning nutrients from the farm and wood industries back into the soil in our Carbon-to-Nitrogen balanced formula. Organilock Soil Food is uniquely able to rapidly regenerate soil in one application because it adds life to the soil and provides a long-lasting battery-bank of food for soil-life (soil-microbes) to thrive and multiply.

Soil Food is good for growing plants of all types!

Grow anything including fruits & vegetables, herbs, trees & turf, flowers, house plants, & cannabis.