Mandy's Springs has been providing personalized garden products and services since 1939. Let our collective experience be a resource to you.

We are available for LIVE CHAT during normal business hours, or you can send us an email below and we will reply within 24-hours.

Please contact us with questions.


Corporate Name and Address

Mandy Spring Farm Nursery Inc.
Incorporated State of New York
1637 County Route 28
Granville, NY 12832 USA


Phone, Main Office: (518) 642-3676

Phone, Florist Shop: (518) 642-9696

Fax, All Divisions: (518) 642-1369

Hours of Operations

Hours may be adjusted seasonally or for bad weather.


Retail Store Winter Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Business Office: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:30, varies

Contracting and Wholesale Desk: 7:00am - 9:00am, and as attended.

Mandy's Spring Nursery is located just south of the Town of Granville, NY. We're a short drive from NY Route 87 corridor, located to the east of Glens Falls, NY, and close to communities in western Rutland and Manchester counties of Vermont. We're easily reached via Route 22 in New York State.

Our nursery is open Monday through Saturday from 9:00am to 5:30pm and closed on Sunday.